Have Oak Harbor memorabilia you want to know more about? Questions about ancestors in Oak Harbor?
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Medline Plus - Trusted Health Information for You
Think you might have the flu? Medline Plus lists symptoms and health news to help you stay on top of things. Medline Plus is provided by the National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, and provides a wealth of information about human anatomy, health and wellness, diseases and disorders, and drug and supplement data.
We've added Resources for searching history
Search for your ancestors on Ancestry Library Edition. Discover your unique family history! This resource includes billions of records from around the world, including from U.S., U.K., and Canadian census and vital records, immigration and passport records, periodicals and books, photos, and more.
Food For Fines at the Library
The library is accepting food for fines during the month of November. One can of food will cancel $1.00 worth of overdue fines. Example: You owe $2.35 in overdue. Donate 3 cans of food and your fines will be paid. Food items may not be used for lost or damaged materials.
Consumer Health Complete
Consumer Health Complete contains health and wellness information from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. It includes electronic searchable versions of many popular print titles such as the AMA Complete Medical Encyclopedia and the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.
What to Read Next? Try Novelist
Novelist is your personal guide to deciding what to read next. Try it out - search by author, title, series or plot. In addition to the reviews of over 200,000+ fiction titles, you’ll also find lists of award-winning books, discussion guides, and recommended reads.
Have you visited the Local History & Museum Center?
If you haven’t been to the Local History Room & Museum Center, come by for a visit! Whether you are looking for a long lost relative, old businesses of the past or just want to read about the history of our area, you need to visit the Oak Harbor Public Library Local History & Museum Center. The room is located in the lower level of the library with elevator access. We have resources tucked away in this quiet room which is perfect for the researcher. Inside the room you will find many interesting collections that are related to Oak Harbor.
Oak Harbor Oral Histories now available online
In 2006, the Oak Harbor Oral History Project was part of the Northwest Ohio Narratives Project. These narratives were once only available on DVD; now they are digitized and available online.